Getting It Done!
Keeping all Safe and Secure with a Trustable Hand. HillCountryPC. We’re ready to help! Let us spend the time behind the screen so you and yours can enjoy the lake and relax. If a service isn’t listed Please Ask!
Network Security Services
$125 - $145
Most Networks are left wide open to intrusions. Basic passwords from phone numbers to dates are easy to crack. Gain a piece of mind with professional help today.
Free Password Book & Software w/service
Device Pick-Up
We will pick up the computer and diagnose the issues for $25 and contact you with a solution before proceeding.
Up to $65/hr for final repairs.
Location Services
Networks - Devices - Printers - IoT - TVs - Cameras Low Volt Wire runs - Installations
Crypto Currency Coaching - General lessons
Windows - Linux - Apple OS - iOS - Android